29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
BOBHAMSTER: hmm powered portals would probably see a bit of use if I added them. Maybe I'll consider merging them into official from my mod.
BOBHAMSTER: Are you getting the "..."? That's a bug with how the on screen keyboard is (NOTE: I don't know how this works on chromebooks, which you said you have). In PC tpt it will cut you off at the limit, but on Android it does't know where the limit it so it lets you type as much as you want, and then cuts it off. I'm not sure if it's fixable, because the Android on screen keyboard can't know anything about TPT's font widths and the maximum that will fit.
jacob1: uhhhhh so in my save car i tried to simplify things but my mechanism for turning of gas pump when the engine is offline it broke the wifi seem connected but nope it its not connected i tried hotter temp but failed i wonder why
cna you add powered bhol, whol and portals into the base game?
also, the signs delete the last few letters even though they fit
jacob1: I use a computer
I have an Android phone and it works fine though
jacob1: It also happens with the console. something appened while porting the game to android
2749290 id here and also i found someone saying my car is copied i was so confusedi research about the spec and the result are original the engine is original the components is original the chasis is original can you match an save that similar as mine??
BOBHAMSTER: I tested it myself again, it works fine. I type in 50C and get 50 celcius. samisong: Can I have the save author, save name, or save id? I can check out the bad save. It's most likely some kind of corrupted save though.