29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
moo .
It depends on your settings. Go into options and make sure "Include Pressure" is set. Also, if you are holding shift while the save is created, it will invert the option you chose.
There's a bug when saving saves/publishing them; the air velocities seem to reset to nothing.
0-ctype filt (bug?) id:2772723
Your comments were automatically deleted by jacobot due to the block, I repasted them so we can see the conversation again.
heptium345: You are unblocked now, and can post again here
<heptium345> can you please un-block me? 1. i learned my lesson 2. there is a bug i want to talk about.<heptium345> i actually learned my lesson just a few hours after you blocked me.
sealon_musk: That isn't a bug, portals have a ton of storage space. They can store hundreds of particles inside them.
explosivepowder: It is subtle, but a single pixel of CNCT can stack on top of a single pixel of ROCK. Try it with any other solid, and the CNCT will just slide off. Duck69: I always use resizable window, I haven't seen anything strange like that? I've closed the game many times lol. UraniumDude: I find that this is often an antivirus problem, it probably blocked the update. Try downloading it manually from the website. frostbyte242: probably it was used for spam.
hmm my comment notifier was broken until now. Anyway ..