187 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • jacob1
    23rd March
    Hi. It's been a long time since I've seen you around.
  • thespazz
    23rd March
    Hi jacob
    4th March
    pls add mobile tpt to iphone
  • cWzzzzz
    1st March
    Okay, im gonna start by saying my system is crazy bad, im at 85% memory usage. I have no lua mods or anything and i didn't even know that was a setting. it hasn't happened recently so thanks anyways. you posting the comment must've fixed it for me haha. if it happens again i'll just restart
  • jacob1
    1st March
    You could also reboot your computer, if it's low on RAM that will clean everything up.
  • jacob1
    1st March
    cWzzzzz: That usually means your system is low on RAM. That's what "bad allocation" means. Can you check task manager and see how much is being used? Also, there are two things I can think of that could cause memory usage to skyrocket and cause that. Are you using any mods or Lua scripts? Also, did you ever change the "UndoHistoryLimit" setting? Both are uncommon but could potentially contribute to that.
  • cWzzzzz
    29th February
    my tpt has been crashing and blue screening pretty often, says "bad allocation" whatever that means. also sometimes i need to reload a save to spawn fighters, and a couple times, but not often, i just can't reload a save until i exit and open tpt again.
  • jacob1
    17th Nov 2023
    explosivepowder: COAL melting is pretty obscure, and not something usually expected (plus it's hard to do "in the absense of oxygen" with tpt's lack of a real atmosphere). So yeah not going to add COAL melting. As for front page, it's like this a lot. People just like art I guess, but also there's way less functional saves to take up slots. Downvoting good art will probably just make low effort junk get fp instead.
  • explosivepowder
    16th Nov 2023
    Bro FP is at least half covered with art saves rn. What happened? I'm Downvoting them since I feel saves with simulation value should be up there instead, but like.. There's a lot. I'm afraid I'll be flagged for mass downvoting bc the amount of art on there that doesn't need to be there.
  • explosivepowder
    16th Nov 2023
    Note: Just googled to double check. I'm incorrect about coal power plants; I was thinking of steelmaking, wherein it's heated in the absence of oxygen to 1100 degrees (then it melts). With oxygen, it'll ignite. And I'm also getting conflicting results which say it'll decompose by releasing volatiles? So I'm not sure what the steelmakers do exactly.