epic brainspark, you know those wierd photons which are invisible? (type in microwave) well you should try make the flat surface scanner into one of the invisible photon emitters
the optic deosn't work agaisnt nscn or pscn
I like to make my own things, the missile is a bit...unfinished atm
explosive sing/snow attachment. DMg attachment. And the missle attachemnt, does it explde? You could ask st1nk to burrow his missle for credit.
=D thanks! If you have any ideas for attachments, I'll listen.
your atachments are fantastic
Thanks! I'm experimenting with new types of radar at the moment.
Thanks for your feedback! I am fairly limited to what I can do with PHOT, as I didn't script it myself. So it bouncing haywire off of flat objects isn't fixable.
this is brilliant, fairly orginal, the only other save ive seen that uses optical targetting is a radar without a photon, but this is just brilliant, great cicuit bords aswell, but i have noticed that on flat surfaces it can still sometimes bounce of in a different direction anyway, i guess you could have a look at it, but brilliant idea and work anyway