I tried that at one point, I decided on the currentversion because t looks the best. Light speed pphot isn't very asthetically appealing imo.
Vacu is the most heat conductive element that works well in lasers, use that instead of diamond..
oh yeah......but that also makes the phot cooler because it spends less time in the heating chamber, so put it at the end of the heating chamber. basically, replace all the current acel with dmnd (most heat conductive element in the game as far as i know, and put two-three pix of acel at the end with a life of something high, but don't make it over 65000, over 65000 and the life won't save, and it resets back to zero.. wow, i probably taught gunman a few more things right now.. XD
!set life acel 9999 makes the photons light speed, I learned that from Schneumer, he's great when it comes to tips and tricks!
This is pretty awesome... tip of the hat to you :)
I can't find a way to make the phot unlimited.