89 / 17
31st Oct 2012
2nd Jul 2013
This weapon fires freezed and charged singularity. On contact with anything above 0^, the singularity melts and explodes in a devastating explosion. Newtonian Gravity must be on, and its healthier if ambient heats is off. Now with different ammo types!
singularity snow oldstyle sing fray weapon


  • cyberdragon442
    31st Oct 2012 exploded.
  • Platypus5
    31st Oct 2012
    Great gun! Interesting note: the gun does not do damage to flat targets: it bounces off of the target before it can blow up. Also, if fired at too close of a range, the gun itself will explode.
  • st1nkst1efel
    31st Oct 2012
    Its linked to the homepage now, it should get more views soon. :D
  • st1nkst1efel
    31st Oct 2012
    Its easy... Just take some snow, type in the console "!set ctype snow sing" and "!set tmp snow 1000000", without the "s.
  • JoshinatorKy
    31st Oct 2012
    Awesome! I have no idea how this has no views! It's not original but it's still good and fun. Please explain how you froze and charged the Sing. I tried freezing it and it did not work and I don't know how to charge it. :<