My homepage, with links to all my creations.
Hmmm... thats an inspirating idea... but i think i will use the exot to create new stuff instead of making BREL, so its not so complicated :D
Brel cannot be made except by emp. Perhaps you could "pump" it from another save...?
I'm sure there's a way. Just google it :P
Okay, The Exot maker is finished. Now i need to find a way to create BREL to make the EXOT-Factory bigger... :) (without EMP)
Ty :) I will look if there is a way to create that stuff... wont be easy.
And I just want to say that you make the best saves on on TPT. Good job!
Duet maker but meh... its been done
Broken Electronic Maker, Exotic Maker, Computer maker?, Co2 maker?, Im coming up with things that can be made with many ingrediants. :P
If you have an idea what i could build, post it in the comments :)