multiple transistion

  • MaksProg
    1st Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    it's easy, but if you don't understand how to program and only copy and less change prepared code, stop making mod, you can't make it good. First learn C programming.

  • boxmein
    1st Jul 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @jenn4 (View Post)
    You could use a boolean value..
    (Ha-ha, images, because you need to learn the code you're working with, not mindlessly copy! >:] )

    >Edit: oh, and I was partially aware that you're using the dark style so you wouldn't see it in the normal way
  • cracker64
    2nd Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink

    @boxmein (View Post)

    Well first off C doesn't have booleans, and using 0 and 1 instead would still create some logical issues.

    Once both are found, what happens to the WATR and SAND? We have no idea where the first particle is, just that it existed.  You would need to store the particle number for both types, then delete those particles when they both exist.  Resetting the variables would do nothing, since after the loop is done, they aren't used...

  • jenn4
    2nd Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @MaksProg (View Post)
    Funny, I did everything in my mod by copying already existing things.

    @cracker64 (View Post)
    @boxmein (View Post)
    I've kinda quit developing TET, so...