Raising the Max

  • Simon
    19th Mar 2012 Administrator 0 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    M_GRAV is not maximum gravity, gravity has no limit in the game, M_GRAV is simply the Gravitational Constant (albeit adjusted for TPT's scale)
  • boxmein
    19th Mar 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @The-Fall (View Post)
    It's a float. Integers can't have commas.
    Excuse me, I was just taking that by the name, it seemed weird to me too D:
  • billion57
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Wait, what if there was a version which had the compiled version and source in the same folder, and when you change the source code, the compiled game changes as soon as it is opened, like Stranded 2? Is that possible with TPT?
  • boxmein
    19th Mar 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    C is a programming language which is, before running, converted into machine code and then packed into an "exe" file. That's called "compiled language".
    Machine code is system-dependent and needs to be compiled differently for each system(Linux, Windows, Mac) [x86, x64]
    Python, for example, is a programming language which is converted into machine code during runtime, meaning the programs are saved as ".py" files or "scripts". That's called "interpreted language".
    C is favored over Python for its ~ 20-30x improvement in speed. Python is favored over the simplicity of writing code and speed of development.
    It's an arms race, basically.

    Powder Toy is written in C. This means it has to be compiled before launching. That's what lets it update 235 008 * 4-5 layers of particles, around 60 times a second.
    It can basically be made to compile on runtime, but that'd mean the startup of the program would take anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes and it'd all be handled by a Python script or a simple batch file. Plus you'd require to have a compiler on your system.
    Actually, even I could make that.
  • billion57
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    So, no?
  • Tsuper
    1st August Member 0 Permalink

    I found that typing tpt.el.(element).flammable=(value) works for me