Dat joke tho
Powder toy can work in emscripten, it's just buggy and the only web playable version that doesn't need to be downloaded from github still has the color glitch. Given that you have to click cancel in order for it to work I wouldn't recomend putting it on kongregate. Also the online features don't work because the website would need websockets and if you click install the powder toy will just freeze.
I understand doxin was working on a emscripten port, but there's no demo availible which is why I posted pardo's demo instead.
Someone make a mechanical powder toy powered by coal, for people who don't have computers.
Why dont we just play Powder Toy in real life? Im sure playing with uranium, plutonium, neutrons, black holes and plasma would be fun for the whole family!
Why don't we just become powder toy, using our own minds to simulate it? Reality is meaningless.
My life is a Powder Toy....