So, taking the information provided, it appears PT will increase about 10% with a high lag sim up. The main conclusion from this little pole is that many CPU's can handle a higher amount of particles.
PT taking advantage of graphic cards would be nice =D.
Please, if you have not already replied, feel free to continue posting stats.
Intel Core i7 2.66 GHz (Quad Core. Each core hyperthreaded.)
14% overall on empty sim
25% with the sim full of ignited dust and exploding bombs
I have an NVIDIA GTX 275 Graphics card with a 512 MB Cachce but i dont know if PT uses that.
I get an average of 50 fps on most sims and 60 fps empty. When the screen is full of ignited dust and bombs i get 7 fps.
I dont understand how it runs so slow. I can run call of duty 5 on my pc at 125 fps on full settings so why is the Powder Toy getting 6 fps on some occasions?