It seems a little odd... when fire is spawned and thus turns into smoke, it disappears by itself, but when it is cloned, the smoke does not dissipate at all (except out of the side of course).
Yeah, smoke is not listed, however, it probably will be listed soon. Anyways the effect looks cool and I hope people can find awesome things to do with it.
Not in the menu , for now can be solved by middle click Has a life: When fire burns the smoke generated deletes itself after a while When smoke spawns it is hot?
And to create a contained fire all you need to do is have some void in the top of the container
the Smoke look is mine, thanks for the compliment .
Nice nice nice! You have really helped this game; you did a great job with the element. Hopefully it will be added to the menu. What will it be under? Gasses?