UPDATE: Major reorganization of processor, and a new display has been added in preparation for a GPU that I am constructing. (See edit 2 of OP) I am happy to announce that hopefully revision 3 will include a working output display.
Yeah, well I have a very unique idea for the GPU, way different than the one you made. An 8-bit decoder and 256 wires is way too big for the amount of space I have to deal with. I am sacrificing speed for size, but I can upload it onto PTT if you want.
Well the problem is, I had made almost all of the components before the merger, at that point, I wasn't going to remake the whole bloody thing just for compatibility.
I have made a GPU for it, revision 1.3! It can be slow for large numbers, but I had to sacrifice speed for size. Just hit the display button, and the register OR ram slot number you wish to display! One or the other, both will produce unexpected results. NOTE: The clock cycle is suspended for the duration of graphics processing, so manual input is not suggested, but its not like you know the binary commands anyway. If you find any bugs, please post them here, or PM me.