My Stuff!

  • NeBuR
    10th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @van07 (View Post)
    Please go out of my thread.
    It´s shocking to see that you live in Australia and you cannot even speak English!
    I´m not even living near any english country, but I speak English better than you!
    This thread is about MY creations, and not about rules or WHATEVER.
  • Xenocide
    10th May 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Unfortunatly, your not in a position to make rules or to enforce them.
    Respect works two ways. You need to respect people so they will respect you.
    By making all these rules up and throwing them at people, you are attempting to bully them.

    I suggest you reconcider your attitude. People don't like people who seem to think they're more than they really are.

    Actually he's from Aus.
  • airstrike52
    10th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Powder Toy users can be put in a number of groups. 1. Those who actually give a damn about what they're making and saying, 2. Innocent noobs, i.e. when they think they where the first to discover DEUT, 3. non-innocent noobs, i.e. flaming, trolling, spamming, whinging, and those who just don't care. van07 fits in the latter group. I think only about 7,000 fit in the first group.