Climate change

  • shroom207
    16th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @roguegeneral-- (View Post)
    Oh ok nvm i am doing something else at the moment so i am focused on something else so i am not paying attention...
  • Neospector
    16th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    im sorry but the evidence of climate change is also the reason for its downfall. no vote. i dont down vote

    The evidence is overwhelming. Ships are able to get through the ocean around the tip of North America because the ice is melting, every 15 seconds an entire section of the rainforest is cut down, should I go on?
  • shroom207
    16th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Neospector (View Post)
    Pretty much...All that co2 builds up without any trees turning it back into oxygen... People who say its a myth are just scared of the truth...
  • roguegeneral--
    16th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Neospector (View Post)
    How long have we been recording the weather? 150 years tops. the earth has been here approx 4.5 billion years old.
  • Neospector
    16th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @roguegeneral-- (View Post)
    More than 5 years is plenty enough for an average temperature. Do you know what an average is? Maybe I should explain that ice melting is bad. (sarcasm)
  • randalserrano
    16th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Since we have been recording weather, the average temperature has gone up about 2.1 degrees and steadily climbing.
    This has resulted in a lot of climate changes for instance record floods in the midwestern US record droughts in Texas, cooler than average temperatures in the west, and very big changes in the jetstreams pattern. (the jetstream is stabilizing part of the worlds weather patterns). Since the jetstream has been affected, the weather has been abnormal for many parts of the world. If you can't see these changes, then you are blind.
  • roguegeneral--
    16th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Neospector (View Post)
    How do you know if this isnt a cycle that the earth goes through. Some NASA scientists now say the Earth is cooling
  • Neospector
    16th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @roguegeneral-- (View Post)
    That's why the thread is "Climate change" not "The Earth is burning up! UMG UMG!"
    On average the temperature is going up. Those "some scientists," how many are there? They're the 1% of scientists who say such things.
  • randalserrano
    16th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    It is considered a "cycle" that the earth is going through BUT we (meaning people) are speeding it up so fast that life doesnt have time to compensate. Not only are we speeding it up, if we keep on going the way we are, the earth will go to the highest extremes in history (besides the bieginning of earth).
    If you are going to try to tell everyone that the things we are doing doesn't contribute to climate change what-so-ever, then you are in denial of peoples actions. You can't possibly say that all of the "greenhouse gasses" that we release aren't affecting the earth because that would either be a lie or you are very ignorant. (ignorant is different than stupid look up the definition if you don't believe me)