@roguegeneral--(View Post) The thread title was specific... it just conveys a message that is different to the thread's message, although the thread title is related and relevant to the thread, and so does not break the rule of UTT's. What other rules might be broken?
UTT = Undescriptive Thread Title. I believe the thread title is very on topic to what I'm talking about. "THIS CONSOLE SUCKS" relates to those who think the console sucks, thus they will read this thread, and realise that what they were about to post was completely unnecessary. Oh, it's not all caps, " (AKA Read this first) "
@cctvdude99(View Post) I would assume the point of the capitol letters was to gain the attention of people. It works doesn't it? This is a topic constantly asked, and gaining peoples attention to inform them is effective.
EDIT: I like the lua console. It took about 2 minutes of looking at the wiki to gain the basics of it, and isn't too hard.
That's what I'm trying to go for. I thought the infractions were a terrible idea, and no one learns from them. So I ban them as a warning, just like facepunch
No it isn't. Like she(?) said on another forum a long time ago, it should be to either read the rules or get banned. I sorta didn't agree with that at the time, but it makes sense to do such now. The whole point of being banned is to give you time to think about your actions and learn from past experience.
Even if it was for something you think is unfair, just remember never to do such again.