I'll just make a new reaction map. It may have some mistakes and leave out some stuff, but it should work. It may take a few days.
Download the source code and search for the element you want in the src->simulation->elements. Then, open a file that looks promising and read it to see if you can use it to make the element. For exaple, you can only see how to MAKE sand from stne.cpp. That's because it's the stone that's causing the reaction, not the sand.
11/17/20: School got in the way and it is taking longer than expected. The map will probably come, but it might take a while.
11/19/20: Done with a map of all elements from A-I.
11/20/20: more than half way done with the "map". I also finally found a way to make VOID.
How do I install it there isn't exe file.
Found it.
I have finished the map through many hours and lack of attention in school. Enjoy!