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BUG: Compressed particles (if more than one are at the same place) became 1 px BHOL, I use the self-compiled newest version, I just grabbed the source.
@Raphi(View Post) Yes, that's deliberate (but energy particles don't form BHOL when compressed, and the threshold is higher for particles in E-Hole). Compressed particles now do something similar to real life - when you squash lots of matter into a very small space, it turns into a black hole.
Compressed particles were never meant to happen, it was just a trick people discovered with the console. They could be used to cause ridiculous amounts of lag, to make it hard to delete things, or to make it difficult to discover how a save works. Not to mention how much they offended my sense of physics...
Of course, some of these undesirable effects can be achieved with energy particles as well, but this change should discourage people from relying on compression.