Official Game Feedback

  • jacob1
    30th Oct 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cyberdragon442 (View Post)
    ok. I opened that save in tpt++, selected wifi, and pressed Ctrl+f, and nothing happened... that gets annoying sometimes. So then I opened my mod so I could see where the wifi was, and it was everywhere. I didn't know which ones were the ones that changed, that would be hard to find out. So then I selected EMP, and found 1. It's at (202, 271). It gets activated when the ship is exploding, so that is the problem. If the flash from the EMP isn't showing, maybe that's the glitch.
  • cyberdragon442
    30th Oct 2012 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • jacob1
    31st Oct 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cyberdragon442 (View Post)
    I don't know. You can't rapidly resave things though, you need to wait at least 20 seconds or something. And also, I think it's 90 seconds for commenting. It's to prevent spam.
  • JIEIIIKA1111
    1st Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I have a problem.


    When installing six sign all okay. And with the installation of seven or more after save and open them deleted!

  • jacob1
    1st Nov 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @JIEIIIKA1111 (View Post)
    this was fixed for the next version already, but by adding a limit. There was a limit in tpt too, but in tpt++ the limit doesn't work until after you save... if you really need the extra sign, there are a few things you could try (like text with elements, or put more in the description). And the limit isn't as low as 6 though, so you must have other signs hidden somewhere, like under other signs.
  • JIEIIIKA1111
    1st Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    it just can not be fixed? jacobs mod to this problem is not

  • jacob1
    1st Nov 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @JIEIIIKA1111 (View Post)
    no, it has been fixed already I mean. In the next version (84.0) it won't let you create more then the maximum amount of signs (I don't know what the max is, maybe 12 or something). The problem isn't in my mod because my mod is based off of version 83.0, not 83.9.
  • JIEIIIKA1111
    2nd Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    new problem ...

    Now more than SIGN not deliver! after saving and reopening lost all but one!


    The problem is that instead of one SIGN set in this place 3-15 pieces! please correct this bug


    Sorry for my bad english

  • therocketeer
    3rd Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    one noticeable bug(?) in the new 84.0 release- the gravity lensing effect reduces my fps considerably even though there is nothing going on in my screen.
  • jacob1
    3rd Nov 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @JIEIIIKA1111 (View Post)
    so you are saying more than one sign appears in one place? That happened to me once too, I probably shouldn't have ignored it, maybe it really is a bug.

    @therocketeer (View Post)
    did that not happen before? I think how it's designed it would not matter what's on your screen, even if it was nothing.
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