Official Game Feedback

  • therocketeer
    3rd Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    It used to drop down a little bit, 4-5 off the cap(60), but now it literally slices my fps by a half, and runs under 30 on a blank screen.

    Actually, it's running fine now. I think I just had too many programs running. oops :P
  • asianboyasd
    3rd Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    The replace mode and caps lock will not be restored???

  • sandstorm
    4th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    could you please show the version and the build on the top? just a note.

  • jacob1
    4th Nov 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @asianboyasd (View Post)
    They will be added back eventually, tpt++ was rewritten (in c++), and it hasn't been put back yet.

    @sandstorm (View Post)
    They were removed for release mode, because there is another place to see it.. In the intro text it says 84.0.246, which means version 84.0 build 246.

    If custom HUD's are added (like to my tpt++ mod), you could select what you want to put in it.
  • baizuo
    4th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Wow, we should change DMND to ADAM (Adamanium), or Wolverine can not defeat Captain America :P

  • thepowderguy
    5th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    In the new version of TPT v84, once you pressurize invs and it turns dark-blue, it cannot revert back to it's light blue state once unpressurized. It will still work though, only the effects are the problem.

  • JIEIIIKA1111
    5th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry for my bad English ... blame google translate


    For those who have put in a place a few SIGN. there is a temporary solution.
    Create a blank sheet and it do what you need to SIGN and copy). then everything will be fine)

  • Videogamer555
    7th Nov 2012 Member 3 Permalink
    TPT 84.0 still has a bug that I reported a while ago. That bug is that in CTRL+C (or X) copies and S stamp saves the pause isn't saved properly, such that when the CTRL+V paste or L (or K) stamp load is performed, the pause state is NOT loaded. This way bombs that are loaded explode INSTANTLY if you forget to pause manually before pasting! Please fix this so it is like it USED TO BE where pause is saved with the clipboard copy and stamp saves.

    And if it isn't a problem in the saving routines, then it is a problem in the loading routines. Either way, PLEASE FIX THIS.
  • Videogamer555
    12th Nov 2012 Member 2 Permalink
    Now up to version 84.1, and the above stated bug STILL has not been removed! Are the devs just not caring about bug-removal anymore?!
  • hexiode
    12th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    first of all im VERY impressed with this game. it has got me through many a boring night. one think id like to ssuggest is a action you could possabley access from the special section. it could be called "drag" if you want a good idea of it look here . it would be nice to move around a group of particles withought effecting its suroundings like one might notice when trying to use gravity or negitive gravity. once again this game is amazing

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