How exactly do you open the extracted Jacob1's Mod file without MS Defender SmartScreen being such an overprotective idiot?
@jacob1 Heres some powder ideas please notify the devs about this (: Disables Inf SPRK (If it hits where SPRK already was, it would kill SPRK) and we could and Helium, Xeon, Americium, Boron(Absorbs NEUT) ,Lead(Kills Yeast Reflect/Absorbs NEUT 50/50), Radium(Radioactive), Calcium(Heals YEST), Sulfer, Phopurous,(Both Explosive in High Pressure Burns in normal Pressure), Chlorine(Kills YEST),Copper(Turns Green Over Time) Should also let Radioactive element Decay (60/40), No-Decay/Decays