I would love to keep working on the mod and the wiki, but life hasn't been giving me a lot of time and I am quite out of the loop when it comes to development and wiki content. I can't even remember most of the mod's contents, functions and reactions anymore. But I have still not officially stopped development.
Yes, someday, hopefully
Did he give you permission?
I wouldn't say that, but he was interested in contributing somehow. I don't really have much need of help at the moment unless there is someone who can take my visions and accurately write up the code for them. That's the issue with this mod's development: it takes time.
Mod and life update:
The days of me having no time are coming to an end soon, and I might have as much time on my hands as I did when this mod started (a year ago) within the next four months. I am getting married in May, going down to just just working my main/important job after the honeymoon, and moving again between now and May. I was able to make a bit more time for myself in the evenings as my part time job is slow at the moment, so I have been working on the compressible gasses simulation and preparing the mod for biochemistry.
My plan for the mod before working on new biochemistry content is to reduce the amount of "boring" organic chemicals that are only used for one reaction, create a reaction tree for the mod, and update (or create) the mod website. Then, while biochemistry module updates are released, I want to get the in-game wiki done. I am hoping to release the first biochemistry module by March.
If anyone would like to talk to me about this mod, or anything in general, you can add me on Skype @firefreak114 (I'd like to hear from you and make sure that this thread hasn't died.)
I will release a "fixed" version of organic chemistry within the week that reduces the useless chemicals and includes compressible gasses. First release of biochem by March. I am planning to do genetics, biochemistry and microbiology kind of simultaneously. Since the three are so closely related, I will have to work on them side by side as I implement each one, but each module will be released with a focus on whichever module it is, and only the necessary minimum features of the other two that were added during development. Anyways, I redid the compressible gases code to make it cleaner and fix some bugs, and something very unexpected happened.
Hm the youtube link doesnt work lol
But I have question. Will you finally implemented the uranium reaction under pressure and heat as the one you had in science toy??
Yes, I had something already written for the next release. Also, I have fixed the youtbue link