Sound effect in Powder toy

  • greymatter
    1st May 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    @ShurikRus (View Post)
    Powder Toy calculates it's reactions on a pixel-wise basis. It's not whole masses reacting with other whole masses. Every particle has it's own properties and behavior. So the only way soud effects can be added is playing a particular sound for a particular reaction of a pixel of a particle. While this will work well for individual pixels, almost all saves contain masses of pixels, not one or two. So for a bomb it will like a hundred thousand "BOOM" going off at the same time. It will blow your eardrum if it doesn't crash your computer first.

    Also, such a large amount of reactions can happen in powder toy, assigning a sound for every reaction will sharply increase powdertoy size unwantingly. Thus, sounds will not be added to powder toy.

    That settles it.
    Edited once by greymatter. Last: 1st May 2014
  • StepVer
    17th Oct 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @greymatter (View Post)

     this video explains how sound effects could work in tpt                                                                                            

  • shnato
    24th Feb 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    Well, It would take a long long time to make sound effects in general, and things like azure bombs will wreck their speakers(and Eardrums).Its a lot more risly

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