how do you start a game
what do you mean?
*revives topic*
The only problem is these cost lots of time and money to make (especially money), and experience none of the tpt devs have. Also some platforms don't support SDL games written in c++ with threads and network code and other stuff. Most consoles require expensive dev kits and lots of backing to ever get it published.
you could buy me a wii u
i wouldn't port tpt to it but you should still totally buy me one
@donttouchmydart3 (View Post)
Did you even read these posts on the first page, we already said no with many reasons why
Specifically, my post:
The only problem is these cost lots of time and money to make (especially money), and experience none of the tpt devs have. Also some platforms don't support SDL games written in c++ with threads and network code and other stuff. Most consoles require expensive dev kits and lots of backing to ever get it published.
...and TPT would suck on consoles. Just my opinion.