Two bugs to report for Android
1. Sometimes displasement occurs with touch sensing.
2. (This happened in the older version too) problems with logging in where I found out that when you log in on Android and exit even with back arrow button it still will not keep you signed In.
These are the only ones that I have been able to see so far and I will keep you posted if anything else happens
There's some sort of weird anti-anti-aliasing going on with version 94 (even with old fullscreen enabled) ; some pixels are stretched, others compressed, etc. Imagine a Flash game with the quality set to "low".
android bug reporting 1: the area of the finger touch is shifting to the left with the time of the game
Like this
O /
O: is the cursor
/: Os finger clicking
android bug reporting 2: if you are in the game and pull the notification bar or exit the game by history and enter again. the menus get stuck even more still can put the pixel on the screen