@shroom207 okay lets see. @marek11 I used Myst and Repl to heat the photons. @shroom207 I made the filter red. now look which one cuts through the glass first.
@Anmol444 Thats not our point We mean any heat source is ok but the red makes the beams bouncy and stay hotter.I just tested the 4 laser i dont know if this is a glitch or something but the red cut through first lol.The red makes a bigger hole too.
@Anmol444 Thats not my ******* point god ****** it makes a bigger hole and the heat lasts longer and the beam bounces around in the object causing mayem. But i guess they do have there diffrences in what they do but anyways. @Anmol444 Any ways you could of modified them some how too make yours better and i cant tell because i am a flamethrower and napalm gun expert not a laser expert... I also noticed you didnt heat the filter past a 1000 it must be around 9975.Oh btw i just thought of something weird if i thought of the idea for my laser isent it mine lol?