I will remake this in C++ for the most recent version and hope that works.
you need to hop on board with my mod, im already progressing pretty good using the c++ version!
Ok. I cant get my C++ source to compile send me yours and I can start programming into it.
did you run generator.py?
How do I open a py file
Download the latest version of Python.
Me and Jombo23 are modding as I speak so am I in the mod staff? And In the private message tell me what's going on with URSM.
Ok. So were gonna combine our mods I think. I had another idea though. You guys continue on the Extended Mod and I can work off of that and make the Extended Science Mod by adding in my elements. Sound good? Also, in the pm I said I have reached max groups even though Im only in one group, and I made you group owner so you can delete me, so that I can join your new group.