Official Game Feedback

  • fsjd
    20th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    PT vs. 82.0: new addition that i can see is PPIP. powered pipe. works the same as regular pipe, but can now be turned on/off w/ PSCN/NSCN. the brick is bluish when on, grey when off. when on, the pipe carries stuff. when off, it doesnt.


    now we dont have to make bulky wall valves- just turn the pipe off!

  • jacob1
    20th Aug 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @fsjd (View Post)
    Also many other things, you can find the full list on the download page. I'll make an even fuller list in a second...
    PPIP can be reversed with INST too. When I first made it, that's all it did (using PSCN and NSCN, but 1 px pipe was stopped like it is now)
  • therocketeer
    20th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    it works great. No need for powered portals now.
  • jacob1
    20th Aug 2012 Developer 3 Permalink
    Version 82.0:

    Fix crashes when using graphics functions with Lua
    Fix some crashes caused by low memory situations
    Fix Energy particles passing into PIPE
    Fix issue that allowed CONV to destroy DMND
    Correct the proportions of some reactions involving water types
    Keep the zoom window visible when using undo
    Changed colours of some element buttons (WARP, TRON and Stickman)
    Ability to show save preview by right clicking reload button.
    Error reporting for Lua mouse and keyboard events (also update and graphics functions)
    More settings saved in preferences (Decorations mode, fullscreen, others) (Also debug mode, ngrav_enable, and gravity lines)
    Ability to delete saves from the local saves browser
    New Element: Powered Pipe (PPIP) (Originally just reversable pipe in my mod, Simon wanted this so it wouldn't break saves, also modified by jacksonmj after I made it to fix a few minor problems)

    PIPE/PPIP can now pass into PRTI, also 1 pixel pipe can pass into an empty space, making it even faster by not clogging at the edges.
    It fixes some bugs with the PROP interface
    You can heat/cool energy particles
    Some fixes to tpt.set_property, it now checks stacked particles too
    the dcolor property can be set/get (dcolour has always worked)
    updated the README, split changelog into another file (haven't checked this yet)
    Right click reload to go back to open_ui, where you can comment or fav it without needing to find it again.
    you can set number ctypes in the old console, and there is no limit to them
    Fix the cut message
    Stamps can be saved backwards (the box could only be drawn down and left from where you started before)

    This was all done over a week ago, I don't know why it took so long. I made a pull request, and there are still more things in it that haven't been merged yet. A few things need to be fixed/removed first, but I don't know why the other stuff hasn't been merged yet, maybe everyone is too busy with tpt++.

    What hasn't been merged, some of which I still want in:
    WOOD and PLNT turn bluish when cold, grey when hot and stay burned (no idea why is hasn't been merged yet)
    VOID, PVOD, BHOL, and VACU eat LIGH (same)
    GEL and SPNG absorb water from more elements and leave behind what the water was mixed with (jacksonmj wanted to add an absorption limit to sponge and have it not absorb as much when more saturated, but he said that a while ago and hasn't done it yet, maybe i'll have to)
    save render mode in saves (I don't want this one in anymore, but I can make it only load this when RENDERER is defined, then you can get your thumbnail rendered in whatever mode you want. I can also make black deco show on saves)
    DTEC, generates a spark when something with it's ctype is nearby (Simon said he wanted this when he was telling me to make powered pipe)
    Fix air going into walls, fix creating air with brush creating it in wrong spots and limit it (the wall fix needs to be removed, so the only thing it should do is fix the air brush)

    simple fixes that shouldn't even have needed any thought about merging:
    Fix things melting with heat sim off, move INSL to electronics (simple fix to that one save that melted FILT, but a lot more things can melt too)
    Fix annoying problems with HUD I fixed in version 1 of my mod (pressure is now always on left, Empty is drawn when offscreen instead of it getting stuck)
    cold phot doesn't burn things
    Load an extra 7th comment on saves
    Improve GOL descriptions a little
  • Poorsoft
    20th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    Very good! I like how powered pipe acts like a valve. With air bug fixed in your mod, could there be an AIR-WALL or something like that? Perhaps, blocking air, but allowing other elements to pass.


    BTW The new element implemented here will be very helpful now, building saves. Well done!

  • bfleetwood115290
    25th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by jacob1: Not a suggestion thread, some of those we already have/are too similar to existing things
  • EqualsThree
    26th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @bfleetwood115290 (View Post)

    Not a suggestion thread.

  • boxmein
    26th Aug 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @Poorsoft (View Post)
    You can do this pretty easily with portals around walls.
  • Tmobile1
    28th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    thank you to the develepors and mods for the beta version of TPT(82.1), I hope it makes the published version...IT's awesome

  • Fast-Driver
    28th Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    TPT++ is gonna be great. Thanks a lot mods and devs for such a great game and forum. :)

Locked by jacob1: Too long to read through and update