Official Game Feedback

  • evarno
    28th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    +1 rep for typing all that :3

  • Potbelly
    28th Aug 2012 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • jacob1
    29th Aug 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    @Potbelly (View Post)
    It was also fixed in version 82, build 191. The fixes were done separately though, I didn't know it was fixed in tpt++ at the time (just like text highlighting in my mod, although everything else was copied)

    I updated the completely outdated first post with all the tpt changes, a list of some tpt++ improvements, and upcoming changes in tpt++. I also made it look better, fancy posts by people who use the WYSIWYG editor are completely messed up when I edit them without using it, so I deleted some extra lines that were created a while ago by me. I will try to update the upcoming changes list whenever there's now changes and a new version isn't released for a while.

    The new sections might come and go when they aren't needed
    And answering my own question, I will assume that customise and optimise are words in England, and that firefox doesn't recognize (recognise in England?) british words like colour.
  • jacob1
    31st Aug 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    Who creates the messages of the day?

    "TPT has many modifications. Check forum"
    "TPT is open source project, you can help developing it"

    These have some grammar issues. They should be:

    "TPT has many mods. Check the forums" - optionally with a link to the mods section
    "TPT is an open source project, you can help developing it" - maybe with a link to github, but it would be better if they got help on the forums / wiki first so maybe not"

    I would normally ask these on irc, if I were using that right now. Maybe i'll get on this weekend to learn to compile tpt++, and about the new lua functions in version 83.

    While i'm being a grammar nazi:
    realistic terrains -- I don't think terrains can be made plural like this, it doesn't change when plural. I may be wrong
  • savask
    31st Aug 2012 Developer 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    I've made messages of the day, and obviously they have mistakes cause English isn't my native language :-P

    Also, you're wrong about "terrains", for example take a look at this:

  • EqualsThree
    31st Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    I can see DTEC being used nicely in Alarms and detectors. <3

  • therocketeer
    31st Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @EqualsThree (View Post)
    Definitely! you could make a house fire simulation with sprinklers and stuff :3 or ctype DTEC STKM and make a proximity mine :D
  • EqualsThree
    31st Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink


    Water detection system on the first 5 compartments. <3

  • Potbelly
    31st Aug 2012 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • _kinloch_
    31st Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    For some reason I cant download the beta version (83.0)

    the beta download button downloads the normal one(82.0)

    I have double checked and I did press the right button and It definiatly wasnt the beta version that was downlaoded(I searched for the new element and it wasnt there and the downlaod was powder-82.0-mac32.dmg (or something like that))

Locked by jacob1: Too long to read through and update