They are color coded, and there isnt much colors so they are sperated based on color and glow intensity.
This has been moved to the new Realistic Science mod thread, because this mod is done, and will be continued in the new thread, so please comment on that thread. thank you.
I must pay 1.5$ be can dwonland this mod?
You must adding boson X which change quarks to leptons (six quark to elec,muon,tau,3 ntno) but in this raction creating mesons (pion,kaon) Such as [uud+X=PI 0, p+(positron)] proton plus boson X equal pion and positron or [u,u+X=p+, d(anti)] to up quarks plus boson X equal positron and down antiquark.
Can you added higgs boson which insrease or decrease mass (tmp). Look standart model V2 in browse. there are many of particles in physic (dilaton-change speed of light or to accelerate radioactive reaction, axion- diminish life, and others) by.
BOSX- boson x (change quarks to leptons )
HIGS- higgs boson ( insrease or decrease mass (tmp)
DILT- dilaton (change speed of light or to accelerate radioactive reaction)
AXIN- axion (diminish life)
EPIC mod
one quick question how do you runb mods on a mac because it says that windows is not supported on mac
How do you install mods?
Just download the executable and run it, no installing needed.
strike stardust with lightning to get N2!
also cool mod (:
strike (anything) with lightning to get N2!
also cool mod (: