oh wait... nvm about the labeling, just the monochrome
ok I figured out the issue, the portals seem to have a prefered side to let materials out of. sorrry for the inconvenance. :)
2x2`s description says that its a custom element but its not
I have a error in the update.
When TPT updatedto 96.1, the AVG anti-virus reported IDP.ARES.Generic and blocked the use, put the exe in quarentine. Even in the 'Exception' list, this issue still occur.
The os is Windows 7 Pro x64
(sorry the broken english, not my primary language)
for some reason tpt broke... i can open saves and the commants are fine but it says that the creater is fourohfour and all saves are doing this. they are all showing the 404 doggo.