I am using the latest beta version.
When I click the 'Save' button the thing on the workspace is not saved. Upon reloading the old version replaces it.
Also, I like how I can make stamps from bottom right to top left now, but it's in 4x4 pixel blocks now, and it used to be 1x1 pixels. Where did this function go?
Also, loading stamps is *very* buggy and sometimes when positioning the stamps, other stamps show up but are not actually placed.
i found a bug on the new 83.0 beta, that you cant use the ALT+SHIFT function.
<edit> also you cant change the temperature of WIFI to change channels.
oh wow, for a second I thought you were jacob1 o.o
and No, this is NOT a suggestion thread
your post is going to be hidden soon...
EDIT: I see what you did there jacob1