I've been on a server a while back and it had this plugin made by our very own me4502 (dev). The addon it self(craftbook) is amazing putting tekkits mechinical complexity in a vanilla minecraft server without adding a single block (to my knowledge). It uses much of minecraft's signs to create fun and complex automated production. As stated in the vid below it is fully customisable with the ablity to disable major part and/or thing you might find too OP
Here is a vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nNb6jZYk55I
Here is the link http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/craftbook/
I much prefer small community servers so their will be a high likeliness i'll join... partly because I was premoted to mod just for sucking up to the admins... not that I expect that :P
oh and username is jward212
@h4zardz1 (View Post)
so uh ... do you want whitelist?
I don't have a rollback plugin, I just have a backup plugin and something that restores nature. Maybe I can watch those later but I don't really expect many problems on a tpt whitelisted server. Also the server has 24GB of RAM and 1TB of hard drive space, I don't think anyone is going to overload it.
Also the stuff he is talking about... none of it would even work with any decent anticheat plugin. Actually, it'd be likely even the vanilla sanity checks would not allow it, especially in survival mode.