Maybe The-Con's neural network could be hooked up to WIFI to make more outputs accessible by external devices, and it would be cool to see something controlled by a neural network.
I know basically I think you asking for a random output coisidiser
Please define "coisidiser".
yes, but there are more neurons in a gnats brain than pixels on the powder toy screen.
A gnat has THOUSANDS of neural outputs.I only want this to have about 3 outputs. Big difference.
Also, I have started initial net testing. I combine over 100 of The-Con's neurons, and made a huge net. Unfortunately, I have to screen record it in time lapse to see results due to the 2 FPS. It's the best I can expect from my computer.
No, actually. I am looking for a neuron that has four inputs, and four outputs. When activated from any of the four outputs, it randomly selects one of the four outputs and outputs a single spark through it.
I came up with a different design, that I am currently trying to improve, I will be putting more options to make it comply with your requirements, but I havn't done that yet, as it will take time.