Brilliant Minds of the Navy

  • JamesB
    30th May 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    @KydonShadow (View Post)

    Quoting Conversation in question.

    • KydonShadow
       KydonShadow 29th May
      Or you can just copy them from here
    • KydonShadow
       KydonShadow 29th May
      Here id:1481478
       JamesB 29th May
      Would anybody mind posting a link in the forum to any mini logos for BMN?
    • KydonShadow
       KydonShadow 14th May
      if you wish. If you do, send me the id, Ill look it over, then I may post it up with the others in the Info page on BMN
    • Guillian
       Guillian 12th May
      *the smallest
    • Guillian
       Guillian 12th May
      ok I will join, I submited a registration. And do you want me to make a mini logo? even the smalles may not fit sometimes.
    • KydonShadow
       KydonShadow 12th May
      And you have been accepted. Welcome. To show up on this save, you need to become an Officer.


    end of quote


    My question was a follow up on Guillians about smaller designs of logo that take up less space and do not get in the way as much. The save attached to my last post contains suggestions for smaller logos, most of which are inert, and all of which are indestructable. May I also suggest using FRME instead of DMND as it is still indestructable but does not conduct heat and would therefore make the logos affect the save less, less 'invasive' if you will.

    Sorry about the long quote it just didn't seem like you fully understood the question.

    Edited once by JamesB. Last: 30th May 2014
  • h4zardz1
    30th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    hey, anyone here made BREL-BVBR factory?
  • JamesB
    30th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I believe that I have a clipping containing one somewhere but my clipping library is 40 pages long.(I like to store some of the earlier versions of clipping so I can explore different avenues from that poit, and I use clippings as saves)

  • Buntd
    30th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    So, is BMN one large collab group? If so, how active would I expect to be if I join? 

  • h4zardz1
    30th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    just busy playing HDXyth. it is a TCG.
  • KydonShadow
    30th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @JamesB (View Post)

    OOHHH he never made one that I know of. So I have no idea about that.


    @Buntd (View Post)

     You really only have to post once a month to stay in the group, and try to make it above Lower Recruit.

  • JamesB
    30th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @KydonShadow (View Post)

     I made a couple of suggestions earlier on a post with a save attached. Would you like me to work on one instead of Guillian; if so are any of the suggested ones any good?

  • KydonShadow
    30th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Any one you want. No one really ever uses just a single one for whatever save, just where each works.


    If you want to, sure.

  • 159819
    1st Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    how would one go about joining?

  • Protcom
    1st Jun 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    @159819 (View Post)

    Go to the Group Page that you want to join in, then click Submit Registration.

    Easy as that