Hmm... Like the idea. I would like to use LUA seeing as I play other games (a 3D one) where I can script in LUA. How about we make to versions: Official (No LUA) Devolpment (Source Code + LUA). Hey and what would be really cool would be if you set up a "add on" system- There would be a config file with all the add ons (Relative paths of course) Like this (true: Run add on, False: Ignore this):
The games i play you just use the built in editor so I don't knwo abotu extensions/ compilation: If it needs to be compiled just point users to a LUA compiler and have them pre compile it.
FLASH!?! What are you crazy- Adobe Flash isn't stable on some OS's. It costs to much for us people to edit in scripts (Are you saying we should all go and illegally download it- count me out). It would be to complex. And of course we have it running fine in C++ or C does it really matter.
Using flash would be stupid! It would do all of the following: 1)Increase CPU, and power usage(it's already bad enough) 2)Cause instabilities on different computers/OSes 3)Expose users to the dangers of flash(I swear to god I hear about another vuln every week) 4)Many other things I can't think of right now(the caffeine is wearing off =p)