the first tpt computer

  • Uberness
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Sure, you can do whatever you want with it.
  • lucasspencer123
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    ok would you like a high end version of this one made just for you
  • Uberness
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Yeah that would be awesome!
  • lucasspencer123
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    okley and by the way when i get some new pieces and designs made you can choose what you would like so i give a few specs you can do when we do this but it does cost votes but i tell about those when we launch.
    processor:3bit mimpro micro - 16 supermo
    ram:4bytes - 44 bytes
    harddrive: 8byte 12byte 16 byte or 22byte fixed term fixed codex harddrives non resetable - spliced reset and write able fxd stack hard drive from 2bytes - 26bytes depending on processor cache.
    processor cache: 4 bytes-12 bytes optional high reliabilty or medium larger.
    graphics card: low tech standard random shape graphics counter- high end itg micro graphics chip with complex shapes. with 7-12 bytes of storage.
    so those a re a few of the basic steps not to high tech but they are good but if you get the full size with every setting on high you will have your computer take up around half the screen.
  • Demoman200
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    1 3? 234?
  • Dragonfree97
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Where do I connect the wi-fi box to?

    EDIT: Never mind, but where is the CD drive?
    EDIT: Never mind, found them all. :/ I be thickz.
  • lucasspencer123
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    demoman200 what do you mean
  • lucasspencer123
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    update added accidental swastika replaced with a tornado sorry for the swastike it was supposed to be a top of a cyclone
  • lucasspencer123
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    is there anything anyone wants in the new version of the alien 55 to the alien 57
    also im doing somthing pretty random now the frist five people to respond to what i say now will get a free alien 56 and maybe even when launched an alien 57 now you have to get the right answer to this question the first five people to do it will get a free alien 56
    the question is if god made you and your life is chosen for you then why do you have a life.
  • lucasspencer123
    20th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink