Hey on my version 50.6, the python console does not work... when I put 'set temp pscn 5000' or whatever, it does nothing. Is there changed codes, or what? Cause it's getting kinda annoying.
@berowra290919971061998(View Post) This has been described previously You must place a "!" in front of the command for it to work. Its because of a change of the console language. For more information on LUA check the wiki.
Just downloaded 50.6, The whole art of powder toy related to the internet is broken. I'm posting right now so its not my router. So no favourite saves or my own saves. Interested too see what this gravity wall is.
@ihearttpt(View Post) Just press control, then take two fingers (If you have a MacBook or Magic Trackpad) and scroll up to zoom in (Make sure your mouse is pointing at The Powder Toy) or if you have a Mighty/Magic Mouse, just scroll up with the Control button depressed. If this doesnt work, go into System Preferences, Trackpad(MacBook, maybe Magic Trackpad) or maybe mouse, and check off screen zoom. Go under options and select "Move only when: pointer reaches an edge"
Ermm well I'm just asking why you change the console... Plus well it just has a feeling that the old powder toy has been kicked out and this new one is in... Other than that ambient heat ruins thousands of saves... Yeah...