Hmm... Like the idea. I would like to use LUA seeing as I play other games (a 3D one) where I can script in LUA.
The games i play you just use the built in editor so I don't knwo abotu extensions/ compilation: If it needs to be compiled just point users to a LUA compiler and have them pre compile it.
Your talking about ROBLOX don't be embarrassed to say.
I have used LUA in past experienced. It is fairly easy to use and is easy to learn. Also it is used for World of War craft. LUA is considered a 'glue' language which is the sort of thing you need for TPT.
this have been discussed on irc a few times,it is possible but the advantages are few. and would this to be implemented the server would require a few changes and the server is not that open.
you know what would be better? instead of embedding particles to the game, just use an sql server to host the particle data and code the engine so it will retrieve the particles into the database... it way more flexible, simon should host it and we could ask him to add it.
That sounds cool but we should still have the normal game aswell as the server version (as you mensioned above) because otherwise it would be unplayable without Internet access
I have the Internet but people that might not have access to it would not have any elements loaded up. Unless you could download the elements kinda like a save. People could submit their elements and people could click download (the element) (in the game) and the element would be added into their game, - loading it from a script.
Firelight730 It would be better to use an automatic updating xml file or something along those lines. But the problem remains, only a handful of basic elements could be done with data only.