idk if those exist, but, um....
Another problem with fireworks, I live in a pretty populated neighborhood... I have a big yard, but all the neighbors will still complain :/
Dude, be more compassionate and think about people.
I live in a Florida suburb. And if I do that, and enough people complain, I can get charged with excessive noise and possibly disturbing the peace. Anything much worse that a speeding ticket can impede any possible future promotion to Chief Petty Officer.
lol i get it then.......uh maybe u should move though. 0_0
I have one annoying neighbor who always like making creepy/spooky parties that last for a very long time at the night which stops me from sleeping, I can't do anything about it because lots of people enjoy that party. I know that I can call the police but we don't want to make a war.
I guess you have to go to a desert.
Can I ask what the purpose of this thread is currently, other than to be insulted by Darthan or odd discussions about neighbours?