@plead-for-destruction yes i can find ip addresses @petrol sorry but even if you were telling the truth, 1 y wouldnt he join? and just want u to get points? and 2 the reason i made the 10 points reward for recruiting, is to get new members
oh yes sorry i was occupied. the winner is on the front page
...i might leave aussie powder since it seems it all about coding and i cant get 1 ******* coding program to work for me and made2shred is saying i will never be able to do it...
@plead-for-destruction its not all about coding. and il teach u if u want to learn how to code that bad, but im telling u know, i wont be the best teacher(but not the worst). @Made2Shred yer i can track ips but im not going to, its an invasion of privacy btw congratz on the contest