INSL catches fire(In the Sim.). That's bad. I like that LAVA destroys it but I don't want that an incinerator incinerates floor and not the faithful companion cube
Excellent changes to the games engine / looks of some particles. Things look much more realistic. Howeverm the changelog thing on the main page of the site is gone, so I cannot see the exact changes. it seems that it stopped updating at 39.0. Can we fix that?
I dont seem to be able to see the stick mans health, If I hold click, i can see '100' in text flash above his head for about a half second, before it disappears. also what are the temperature/pressure signs? when i press t or p nothing happens (except I get a faulty .ppm file in my PT folder) can someone tell me what is wrong?
Life is working excellent, you just need to put your mouse into his head, and you will see his HP. And if you want to turn usual sign into dynamic one, you should change it's text message to {t} for temerature and {p} for pressure, and it will show it.
kamikai The temperature signs are a bit more complicated than that. If you want to place a temperature sign, you first have to place a sign and specify the text , "{p}" for pressure and "{t}" for temperature.