Official Game Feedback

  • billion57
    26th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @mrsalit0s (View Post)

     Can you give it to me, or post it for everybody?

  • DJspiderize
    26th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I was messing around in the beta powder toy. Tried drawing with wifi.....


    A bug?


    EDIT: It's seems it was a random occurence, and not a bug. I don't what I did to make it behave like that :P

  • Fast-Driver
    26th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Developers are doing a great job as usual. I hope I can use titanium in official saves soon! 

    (Titanium reminds me of the song by David Guetta :D)

  • billion57
    28th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @mrsalit0s (View Post)


    @Fast-Driver (View Post)

     I've already found it very useful. But, I don't know who David Guetta is.

  • MeinFuhrer
    29th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    What new 79.4 beta brings?



    EDIT: i noticed downloading bar when opening new save, i think its one of new updates.

  • jacob1
    29th May 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    Version 79.4:
    - Fix ptsave parsing if there is no '#'
    - Download progress bar for save opening
    - Soap bubbles easily formed, also their links get inherit soap's decoration color
    - don't show disabled elements in the search (things like WIND are gone; LOLZ and MORT will stay)
    - Fix saltwater boiling temp typo (210°C -> 110°C)
  • billion57
    29th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    What are the "disabled elements"?

  • jacob1
    30th May 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post)
    WIND and some of the old GOL elements (I think only BRAN, FROG, and STAR are left). I made my post more clear.
  • MeinFuhrer
    30th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    If they changed the boiling temp of Saltwater, wouldnt it break saves? and boiling temp still isnt right. As i posted in salwater topic, adding salt to water decreases boiling temperature, not increase it.


    post here: Salt water doesnt raise boiling temperatur, it decreases it. We made a test in chemistry class recently. It depends how much salt do you add, small amount will not decrease it significantly. And it will not raise boiling point.

Locked by jacob1: Too long to read through and update