Some people on this thread are being very rude to and demanding of Simon and the Dev team. Just note that this is a voluntary project run by Simon, and yet here people are, getting grumpy because they can't figure out how to fuse H2 and O2 and how to rotate particles. I think that its amazing that Simon, Cracker and other Devs devote as much time as they do to make a physics simulator thats this good and thats downloadable for free.
People who say things like: "Please make 47.4 and fix this bug" and "Why the hell is 47.3 still an epic fail install for ubuntu!" (both quotes from pg. 7) should pull their heads in and should either:
a) not post or b) recognize that this is a feedback thread and not a "why I think this is s**t" thread and post valid suggestions, bugs and feedback in a constructive, beneficial and polite manner.
As for my own personal feedback, I like the new portal effects, but they do not appear in fancy view, something which I think they should.