ios version

  • chinapowder24
    10th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    in app store,there are a ios version of the game , which costs $1.99.

  • jacob1
    10th Feb 2014 Developer 3 Permalink
    I noticed that guy was at it again earlier D:

    can I see a link? I hope it at least has the source. He took down the source to the android version, and i'm not sure if I have it backed up. So I might try getting my own android version working for free and trying to get his taken down :|. It violates GPL to post something like that without the source.
  • chinapowder24
    10th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    Edited once by chinapowder24. Last: 10th Feb 2014
  • jacob1
    10th Feb 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    Do you have the game? I suggest not buying it because his android one wasn't very good. It didn't have keyboard supported fully, had a smaller resolution, the browser didn't work, and most importantly was based off an old version of tpt.

    This one is still based off the old version of tpt, i'm not sure how well the game works in general but it would be nice to know / be able to try out ...

    Edit: in the description it says "complete GPL 3-covered source code of the port, as well as binaries are available for free on CannonballStudio@GitHub", so i'll go try and find it. His website doesn't seem to be working right now.

    Maybe someone who knows more would be able to know how to get the binary :P, I have a jailbroken iPod so maybe could run it, but i'm not sure if it would work on an iPod anyway ...

    Edit3: seems the android source is still up actually, at . That's good. But also means it's probably staying on the app store and the play store
    Edited 3 times by jacob1. Last: 10th Feb 2014
  • chinapowder24
    10th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    no,i don't have the game.

    Edited once by chinapowder24. Last: 10th Feb 2014
  • Schicko
    10th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     So does this mean we'll be seeing an official Android-port of TPT on the Play Store (incl. regular updates) in the near future? If yes, will it support online saving and loading?

  • jacob1
    10th Feb 2014 Developer 2 Permalink
    @Schicko (View Post)
    If I get it working (which there is a sort of small chance of ...), and it works perfectly with a nice interface and is easy to use, then I might think about figuring out how to get it in the play store. If not, I would just post the .apk here. The reason I might get it working is because @mniip did all the work for me, only SDL needs to be fixed so it doesn't get 2fps :P

    If I don't have to decrease the screen size due to lag, then it will support online saving and loading. In that case, I would probably try regularly updating it in a way similar to how I update my mod (well, if it's in the play store at least)

    Also I might try making a version based off my mod too (i'll test this version first at least since it will be easier)
  • OC39648
    10th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink


  • jacob1
    10th Feb 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    I actually had a .apk of the full version of official tpt, but then all my linux broke and I had to delete everything. It only gets a few fps and nobody knows why, but maybe either updating SDL or using an unofficial SDL designed for android (like the current port) would work better.

    Edit: Also I know nothing about android development, but know someone that does seem to know :P
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 10th Feb 2014
  • OC39648
    10th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink


Locked by LBPHacker: necro - there is no official iOS port