Further Element Issues

  • 4D4850
    1st Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm making an element using spikeviper's biology mod, and it's resulting in a strange error I can't find helpful info about.


    Source code:

    #include "simulation/ElementCommon.h"
    static int update(UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS);
    static int graphics(GRAPHICS_FUNC_ARGS);
    void Element::Element_TUMOR()
        Identifier = "DEFAULT_PT_TUMOR";
        Name = "TUMR";
        Colour = PIXPACK(0x770000);
        MenuVisible = 1;
        MenuSection = SC_BIO;
        Enabled = 1;
        Advection = 0.0f;
        AirDrag = 0.00f * CFDS;
        AirLoss = 0.97f;
        Loss = 0.50f;
        Collision = 0.0f;
        Gravity = 0.0f;
        Diffusion = 0.00f;
        HotAir = 0.000f    * CFDS;
        Falldown = 0;
        Flammable = 0;
        Explosive = 0;
        Meltable = 0;
        Hardness = 12;
        Weight = 150;
        DefaultProperties.bio.health = 150; // In real life, cancer survives better than regular tissue (citation: HeLa)
        DefaultProperties.temp = R_TEMP - 2.0f + 273.15f;
        HeatConduct = 29;
        Description = "Tumor. Caused by bombarding biology with neutrons";
        LowPressure = IPL;
        LowPressureTransition = NT;
        HighPressure = IPH;
        HighPressureTransition = NT;
        LowTemperature = ITL;
        LowTemperatureTransition = NT;
        HighTemperature = ITH;
        HighTemperatureTransition = NT;
        Update = &update;
        Graphics = &graphics;
    static int update(UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS)
        int r, rx, ry;
        rx =  RNG::Ref().between(-2, 2);
        ry =  RNG::Ref().between(-2, 2);
        // O2 use by tumor itself (Increased due to increased biological activity)
        if (RNG::Ref().chance(1, 100)){
            if (parts[i].bio.o2 > 0){
                parts[i].bio.o2 -= 1;
                    parts[i].bio.co2 += 1;
        if (BOUNDS_CHECK && (rx || ry))
            r = pmap[y+ry][x+rx];
            if (r) {
                if (RNG::Ref().chance(1, 2)){
                    // Diffuse among tumor
                    if (TYP(r) == PT_TUMOR){
                        int ir = ID(r);
                        if (parts[i].bio.o2 > parts[ir].bio.o2){
                        if (parts[i].bio.co2 > parts[ir].bio.co2){
                    // steal o2 from bio, offload co2 to bio (tumor is greedy)
                    if (sim->elements[TYP(r)].Properties & TYPE_BIO){
                        int ir = ID(r);
                        if (parts[ir].bio.o2 > 1){
                        if (parts[i].bio.co2 > 0){
                    if (RNG::Ref().chance(1, 50)){
                        // convert biology to tumor (grow)
                        if (sim->elements[TYP(r)].Properties & TYPE_BIO && TYP(r) != PT_TUMOR){
                            int ir = ID(r);
                            sim->part_change_type(ir, parts[ir].x, parts[ir].y, PT_TUMOR);
        // Health management
        if (RNG::Ref().chance(1, 50)){
            // Temp check
            if (parts[i].temp > 323.15){
                int damage = (parts[i].temp - 315) / 5;
                parts[i].bio.health -= damage;
            // Damage check
            if (parts[i].bio.co2 > MAX_CO2 || parts[i].bio.o2 < 1){
            // Otherwise heal
                // Tumors aren't the most healthy to start with.
                            if (parts[i].bio.health < 200){ 
        // Death check
        if (parts[i].bio.health < 1){
            sim->part_change_type(i, x, y, PT_DT);
        return 0;
    static int graphics(GRAPHICS_FUNC_ARGS)
        // Oxygen
        int o = cpart->bio.o2;
        // C02
        int c = cpart->bio.co2;
        *colr = (int)fmax(7 * o, 100);
        *colg = 0;
        *colb = (int)fmax(3 * o, 30);
        *pixel_mode |= PMODE_BLUR;
        // Life mix
        *colr = int(*colr * (cpart->bio.health) / 100.0f);
        *colg = int(*colg * (cpart->bio.health) / 100.0f);
        *colb = int(*colb * (cpart->bio.health) / 100.0f);
        return 0;


    and at https://github.com/SpikeViper-Powdertoy-fork/The-Powder-Toy/blob/master/src/simulation/elements/TUMOR.cpp


    The error is

    ../src/simulation/elements/TUMOR.cpp:107:4: error: expected primary-expression before ‘}’ token

    and I couldn't find any relevant info, except for a thing telling me to check the curly braces, which I already did. So, can someone explain how to fix it? (107 is at the middle of the big stack of five closing curly braces)


    Premptive Thank You!

  • Furry_02
    20th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    One of your '{' or '}' are screwed up for line 107, I checked and didn't see anything wrong but I could've missed a bracket you didn't put there. Put it in VS and look at the lines connecting the '{' and '}' and if there's either one missing or one misaligned, check your brackets around that area.