Im trying to build a cold photon laser and i made the beam really dense, but that in turn made the laser too hard to cool down.. im really aiming for something like room temp, lower than 100 C. I've tried a mix of LN2 and still life (REPL) to try and cool it down, but the beam just drops down to 450 C and it wont budge from there.
Ive just been playing powder toy for a few weeks and ive learned pretty fast, but theres alot i still dont know. So there MUST be some kind of property in an element ive overlooked, that would make my job way easier.
And since i am not a master at all, I figured there might be a way i could build it that could maximize the cooling potential of the cooler thingy, the same way certain patterns for some LIFE elements make it heat things way faster. Thanks in advance guys.
If you are creating photons with PCLN and are aiming for room temperature, then try PTCT / NTCT or sparked INWR. You can also use the still life WALL. If all of the above doesn't work and you know a little about serialization (or don't be too lazy to find a tutorial), use FILT and HSWC.
Lol I knew there was so much I didn't know about this game. I'll have to do a little studying on serialization. Though I did try WALL, but I haven't fully experimented with it. Also, what exactly is the idea by using PTCT / NTCT? Thanks
Whoa. I never thought to touch those, I thought they were useless. Thanks man