I would like to pay tribute to the shiny new element LDTC which has displaced the rusted old element DTEC as the most widely-used sensor in tpt. In it's day, DTEC was the most useful of sensors as it was the only one that detected elements. Although all sensors (except INVS) spark elements and set FILT ctype, DTEC was used to do this more often than any of the others that could do this. But DTEC has it's faults. It's scanning range is a maximum of 25; setting it any higher than that won''t work. It also doesn't have the ability to skip particles before scanning. That's why we now have LDTC. LDTC is superior to DTEC in many ways. It has infinite scanning range and can skip particles before scanning. Like DTEC, LDTC copies the ctype of photons and BRAY into FILT. Unlike DTEC; however, LDTC can also copy the ctype of one line of FILT into another line of FILT. It also has 4 additional features that DTEC doesn't; I won't be listing them as that would make this text too long. Long story short, LDTC is new and hip while DTEC is old and broken-hip. Short story slightly longer, LDTC being more versitile than DTEC means it has taken over the jobs of DTEC in most of, in not all of, the FILT-based saves in tpt. There's this one thing that baffles me though. DTEC wasn't given a infinte scanning range because of potential lag issues it may pose. That being the case, how come LDTC was given infinite scanning range and how come this hasn't caused lag issues?
The reason why LDTC has infinite scanning range and DTEC doesn't is because LDTC scans in only direction opposite to the conductor while DTEC scans in a radius (that could cause lag if it's set to higher than 25)
So, yeah while our shiny, new, LDTC can do a lot of additional stuff, it still can't detect in every direction like DTEC :P
Good to know.
LDTC, as mentioned above, can copy the ctype of FILT, as well as photons and BRAY, onto other lines of FILT. Useful when working with corners in FILT-based electronics. LDTC also has infinite scanning range and the ability to skip particles before scanning, as opposed to DTEC which has neither. That one was also mentioned above.