Replace Mode and Specific Delete
Replace mode is a tool that lets you carefully replace particles of one type with another, by simply drawing over the desired area. Particles of other types are simply left untouched.
[File:Replace_mode_HUD.png|200px|thumb|right|HUD Replace Mode] [File:Blue_selection.png|thumb|right|Ctrl-Alt selection looks like this.]
- Press Insert to toggle the mode. Your HUD should reflect that the mode has been enabled.
- Hold Ctrl+Alt and select an element to be the "old" type. This is the type of particle that will get replaced.
- Select another element to be the "new" type. This is the type of particle that will replace the "old" type.
- Draw over anywhere to replace any occurrence of the "old" type with the "new" type.
- Press Insert to exit Replace mode.