
From The Powder Toy
Revision as of 23:19, 7 October 2015 by 12Me21 (talk | contribs)
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My element reaction format:

reactant + reactant -> product + product

All elements in reactions will be MaterialBtn's:

EQVE.png {{MaterialBtn | EQVE}}

If pressure or gravity is created, it will be shown as a reactant

5 pressure

If one of the reactants is not consumed in the reaction, it will be in parenthesis:

FUSE.png + (SPRK.png) -> PLSM.png

If one of the reactants needs a certain temp, pressure, or other property, it will be in parenthesis after the reactant:

FSEP.png(temp > 700C) -> PLSM.png

If one of the reactants has a property set that is VERY IMPORTANT for other reactions, it can be listed in parenthesis after the reactant:

(HYGN+OXYG->WATR reaction)

Any additional information about the reaction will be in parenthesis after the reaction:

HYGN.png(pressure > 8) + (DESL.png) -> WATR.png + OIL.png (This reaction rarely occurs because DESL explodes at pressures above 5)

There will be up to 3 reaction sections, depending on which element's code the reaction is in, etc.

1: Reactions: The reactions in the code of the element that the page is about 2: Other Elements' Reactions: reactions that are in the code of other elements 3: Reactions that produce the element that the page is about (this overrides section 2)